Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Are you Spitzer or Swallows?

You like that catchy title don't you? Don't lie, you know it made your curiosity tingle you sick sick pervert. It's not your fault, the title was cleverly worded to reference something sexual or maybe conjure up pornographic images that you didn't download from the internet and aren't stored in a hidden folder on your removable hard drive somewhere. Oh wait...

It's okay, your secret is safe with me.

Your dirty thoughts aside, the title is obviously referring to the american political scandal du jour about New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and his need to subscribe to really expensive prostitution. The events have unfolded quite rapidly. So rapid that within 48 hours he has gone from respected political figure in charge of the world's largest city, to a sex crazed maniac unfit to do his job and forced to resign. When did "getting a little on the side" become the worst thing in the world? And where did all this interest in politics come from? I don't see this many people getting all excited about healthcare, budget cuts and new by-laws. Where's all the enthusiasm and public outrage for real things that matter? Like fixing pot-holes.

"Oh my god, did you hear about that governor guy in New York? Isn't that crazy? What kind of world do we live in eh? I bet you his wife isn't too happy." - My dental hygienist to the receptionist

Who cares! So he slept with some prostitutes a few times. Big deal. So he cheated on his wife. Whatever. But does his need to satisfy his urge for sexual gratification really affect what he was elected to do? I think not. Did he do his job before the scandal? For the most part, yes. So then what does it matter if he likes spending his hard earned dollars on some high class hookers? It's illegal you say? Well, 'May ye without sin cast the first stone.' or something...

Have you seen his wife? Have you seen the girl? I have.

I'd hit that.

My point is that he's not an asexual super human, he's a regular dude with regular needs just like the rest of us. If you were caught picking up a hooker or got busted for going to a strip club, would you get fired from your day job for that? Would news reporters and journalists start rummaging through your garbage? My guess is no, unless your initials are MJ and you can do the moonwalk. So then why should anyone really care about what happens in his personal life? People should judge him on his work and the results from his work, not what or who he chooses to do in his spare time. Let his wife deal with that.

- This post dedicated to my man William Jefferson Clinton -

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