Friday, March 14, 2008

What is the longest running fugly foot fad ever?


I implore the human population to stop wearing these. Now.

Whoever came up with this so called "fashion" design should be shunned from civilized society and join the ranks of the Tomagotchi inventor and whomever thought up the bright idea for men's thongs.

I think I have put up with this travesty for long enough. It's time to move on, find a new fad and just put these in your storage closet next to the four inch platform disco boots and the Nintendo Virtual Boy (this one warrants a blog of it's own). Better yet, just burn them, buy some carbon credits and call it a day. In my earlier awkward years, I concede to have been a sheep of the fashion fads on occasion, but even as far as fads go, this one has lasted much too long. I remember seeing the first pair in the wild about 6 or 7 years ago and thought to myself, "This must be a joke. This girl HAS to be coming from an audition for a spot in the traveling carnival." No lie.

Everytime I see a person wearing these creative brain farts, I always ask them: WHY?

First, I usually get a weird look like I just asked them something totally rediculous, then they realise that I'm not kidding and reply with, "They're sooo comfortable!". They then get defensive and counter with, "Have you ever tried these on???". The answer is no. I never will and to be quite honest, it doesn't matter how comfortable they really are because I find that there must have been a mental breakdown somewhere for an individual to have even CONSIDERED picking them up and asking the sales person, "Do you have these in size 6?".

If you're one of those people who are still rocking these under the disillusion that they're "hot", please take a look at the picture below, because that's the only person that should still be wearing them.

I bet she thinks they're the illest yo!


Yukiko said...

I'm with you on this~ ;)
everytime i see jen wear them it makes me want to step on it!

hi andrew~ =)

Lynn said...

They're called UGGs cuz they UGGLY!!!!

Unknown said...

you don't wear them because they look good. if you ever try them on they make you never want to take them off as there so comfortable there like walking on sheep. Im a guy and ever since i tried my sisters on to see what the deal about them is i have bought my own